19th Rabi II, 1446 A.H.

Contact us


Established in 1976.

It is our belief that our primary concern should be to serve the needs of the local community and to work towards the common good with a strong Islamic ethos.  Since its establishment in 1976 the Islamic Centre and City Central Mosque has always been a non sectarian non political organisation.


City Central Mosque
Regent Road,


Main Office :
01782 204092
Out of hours :
07747 830461

Visits :
07747 830461 & 07919 990929
Email : info@citycentralmosque.org


07747 830461 & 07919 990929
07919 990929
Funeral Services:
07816 993413, 07747 830461,
07919 990929, 07801 777488
07533 775848
Website/Social Media support:
07747 830461 & 07919 990929


Feel free to contact us using this form or via our social media channels.

    Travelling to the Mosque

    With the increased use of the mosque we need to remind ourselves of our responsibilities to our local community and the environment. Each of us has a responsibility to reduce traffic congestion around the mosque and to be considerate to our neighbours. The mosque is committed to encouraging its visitors to avoid driving.

    Please think about how you travel to the mosque. This is particularly important when the mosque is very busy for Friday Jummah prayers, Ramadan and Eid. Below are transport suggestions that we strongly encourage you to consider:

    Walking Or Cycling

    Walking or cycling helps the environment, reduces traffic congestion, saves you money and most importantly improves your health and fitness.


    We are very fortunate that many buses stop very close to the mosque in both directions. It is less than a 1 minute walk from these bus stops to the Mosque.


    If you have no option but to drive, please ensure you are considerate to our neighbours and other road users. Please consider car sharing particularly on Fridays, Eid and during Ramadan. Most of the surrounding residential roads have very limited parking with severe restrictions which are enforced by the council. We encourage you not to park on neighbouring residential roads as this can cause inconvenience to our neighbours and if you absolutely must park there, then to obey all traffic laws, respect local residents and park responsibly.

    Please ensure that you park legally, within marked bays and do not block the driveways of our neighbours. Failure to do so may result in penalty charge notices being issued and complaints to the Mosque. Blue badge holders must park without causing an obstruction and there are strict eligibility conditions.

    There is pay and display car parking at Hind street which is a 2min walk from the mosque.

    Finally please ensure that you think about the environment when making your choice on how to travel to the mosque. Following the suggestions above will result in a positive impact on us, the local community and the environment.